quinta-feira, 10 de julho de 2008
Guitar Girl - Sketches Series, by João Rodrigues (aka Monty)

Nothing more nothing less than a girl with an guitar on her hand!! Heheheheh!
I got the idea from a character of a game I've been playing who uses a guitar as an weapon. =)
I think I'll do more sketchs of this girl, because I loved it!! xD

str8jackit was shot at 00:55 :: (2) comments

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fogo n ha duvidas k tens uma imaginaxao fascinante.. continua a desenhar tens keda pa koisa hehe... ta excelente este desenhu...

Anonymous Anónimo was shot at 26 de maio de 2008 às 21:09

Gosto dos desenhos!

Como ja te tinha dito cm a menina da guitarra...Gajos...

Pq n te desenhas a ti???

Aposto q o pessoal ia gostar***


Anonymous Anónimo was shot at 12 de junho de 2008 às 18:22

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